Quest 3 Motion Controller States¶

The MotionController offers a way to stream the current pose, button and trackpad states of the Quest 3 motion controller to the python side. To use this mixed reality (XR) feature, you need to setup vuer behind a SSL proxy. I usually use ngrok, which is a paid service. You can also use local tunnel, which is free.


Please go through the relevant documentation of either ngrok or localtunnel before preceding.

Motion Controller API¶

You can get the full pose of the motion controllers by listening to the CONTROLLER_MOVE event. You can add flags left and right to specify which side you want to track.


Make sure that you set the stream option to True to start streaming the controller movement! Otherwise the event will not be triggered. This is to avoid unnecessary clogging up the uplink from the client.

from vuer import Vuer, VuerSession
from vuer.schemas import MotionControllers
from asyncio import sleep

app = Vuer()

async def handler(event, session):
    print(f"Movement Event: key-{event.key}", event.value)

async def main(session: VuerSession):
    # Important: You need to set the `stream` option to `True` to start
    # streaming the controller movement.
    session.upsert @ MotionControllers(stream=True, key="motion-controller")

    while True:
        await sleep(1)

The returned data looks like the following:

 * Significantly more accurate and stable than controller-tracking.
export type ControllerData = {
  left?:       Matrix4Tuple;      // array with length==16
  right?:      Matrix4Tuple;      // array with length==16
  leftState?:  ControllerStateType;
  rightState?: ControllerStateType;

export type ControllerStateType = {
  trigger:    boolean;
  squeeze:    boolean;
  touchpad:   boolean;
  thumbstick: boolean;
  aButton:    boolean;
  bButton:    boolean;

  triggerValue:      number;
  squeezeValue:      number;
  touchpadValue:   [ number, number ];   // X and Y values for the touchpad
  thumbstickValue: [ number, number ]; // X and Y values for the thumbstick
  aButtonValue:      boolean;
  bButtonValue:      boolean;

Button and Trackpad States¶

The webXR Motion Controller API uses the XRInputSource’s gamepad.

For detailed API, refer to the link

attribute to get the button and trackpad states. The following code snippet shows how to extract the button and trackpad states from the gamepad:


I plan to add a more event driven API for this in the future to make it easier to register press events.

Mixed-reality Controller


xr-standard Mapping



Primary trigger



Primary squeeze button



Primary touchpad



Primary thumbstick



xr-standard Mapping



Primary touchpad X



Primary touchpad Y



Primary thumbstick X



Primary thumbstick Y


  const gamepad = inputSource.gamepad;
  const buttons = gamepad?.buttons || [];

  return {
    transform: Array.from(transform) as Matrix4Tuple,
    trigger: buttons[0]?.pressed  || false,
    squeeze: buttons[1]?.pressed  || false,
    touchpad: buttons[2]?.pressed || false,
    thumbstick: buttons[3]?.pressed || false,
    aButton: buttons[4]?.pressed || false,
    bButton: buttons[5]?.pressed || false,

    triggerValue: buttons[0]?.value || 0,
    squeezeValue: buttons[1]?.value || 0,
    touchpadValue: [gamepad?.axes[0] || 0, gamepad?.axes[1] || 0],
    thumbstickValue: [gamepad?.axes[2] || 0, gamepad?.axes[3] || 0],
    aButtonValue: buttons[4]?.pressed || false,
    bButtonValue: buttons[5]?.pressed || false,

Matrix format¶

All 4x4 transform matrices used in WebGL are stored in 16-element Float32Arrays. The values are stored in the array in column-major order; that is, each column is written into the array top-down before moving to the next column to the right and writing it into the array. Therefore, for the array [a0, a1, a2, …, a13, a14, a15], the matrix looks like this:

                                  ⌈  a0 a4 a8 a12  ⌉
                                  |  a1 a5 a9 a13  |
                                  |  a2 a6 a10 a14 |
                                  ⌊  a3 a7 a11 a15 ⌋

For details, refer to the MDN documentation on XR Rigid Body Transformation