Background ImageΒΆ
This example shows how to display a heads-up-display (HUD) in VR using the ImageBackground component.
This is useful for teleoperating robots with a single camera view.
from asyncio import sleep
import imageio as iio
from tqdm import tqdm
from vuer import Vuer, VuerSession
from import ClientEvent
from vuer.schemas import Scene, ImageBackground
reader = iio.get_reader("../../../assets/movies/disney.webm")
app = Vuer()
async def on_camera(event: ClientEvent, sess: VuerSession):
assert event == "CAMERA_MOVE", "the event type should be correct"
print("camera event", event.etype, event.value)
async def show_heatmap(sess: VuerSession):
sess.set @ Scene()
for i, frame in tqdm(enumerate(reader), desc="playing video"):
# use the upsert(..., to="bgChildren") syntax, so it is in global frame.
# Can scale the images down.
frame[::1, ::1, :],
# One of ['b64png', 'png', 'b64jpeg', 'jpeg']
# 'b64png' does not work for some reason, but works for the nerf demo.
# 'jpeg' encoding is significantly faster than 'png'.
# can test with matrix
# matrix=[
# 1.2418025750411799, 0, 0, 0,
# 0, 1.5346539759579207, 0, 0,
# 0, 0, 1, 0,
# 0, 0, -3, 1,
# ],
position=[0, 0, -3],
### Can also rotate the plane in-place.
# rotation=[-0.25, 0, 0],
# we place this into the background children list, so that it is
# not affected by the global rotation
# 'jpeg' encoding should give you about 30fps with a 16ms wait in-between.
# this is mostly limited by the python server side.
await sleep(0.016)