import asyncio
from asyncio import sleep
from collections import deque, defaultdict
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
from typing import cast, Callable, Dict, Union
from uuid import uuid4
from aiohttp.hdrs import UPGRADE
from aiohttp.web_request import Request, BaseRequest
from aiohttp.web_response import Response
from aiohttp.web_ws import WebSocketResponse
from msgpack import packb, unpackb
from params_proto import Proto, PrefixProto, Flag
from websockets import ConnectionClosedError
from vuer.base import Server, handle_file_request, websocket_handler
from import (
from vuer.schemas import Page
from vuer.types import EventHandler, SocketHandler
class At:
"""Proxy Object for using the @ notation. Also
supports being called direction, which supports
more complex arguments."""
def __init__(self, fn):
self.fn = fn
def __matmul__(self, arg):
return self.fn(arg)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.fn(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class VuerSession:
def __init__(self, vuer: "Vuer", ws_id: int, queue_len=100):
self.vuer = vuer
self.CURRENT_WS_ID = ws_id
que_maker = partial(deque, maxlen=queue_len)
self.downlink_queue = que_maker()
self.uplink_queue = que_maker()
def socket(self):
"""Getter for the websocket object.
this is useful for closing the socket session from the client side.
Example Usage::
async def main(session: VuerSession):
print("doing something...")
await sleep(1.0)
print("I am done! closing the socket.")
def __matmul__(self, event: ServerEvent):
Send a ServerEvent to the client.
!!Under construction!!
Does NOT need to be awaited. this function assumes the ws_id is the last one in the ws pool.
:param event:
:return: dqueue
assert isinstance(event, ServerEvent), "msg must be a ServerEvent type object."
assert not isinstance(
event, Frame
), "Frame event is only used in vuer.bind method."
assert self.CURRENT_WS_ID in, "Websocket session is missing."
event_obj = event.serialize()
event_bytes = packb(event_obj, use_single_float=True, use_bin_type=True)
return None
[docs] async def grab_render(self, ttl=2.0, **kwargs) -> ClientEvent:
Grab a render from the client.
:param quality: The quality of the render. 0.0 - 1.0
:param subsample: The subsample of the render.
:param ttl: The time to live for the handler. If the handler is not called within the time it gets removed from the handler list.
assert (
self.CURRENT_WS_ID is not None
), "Websocket session is missing. CURRENT_WS_ID is None."
event = GrabRender(**kwargs)
return await self.vuer.rpc(self.CURRENT_WS_ID, event, ttl=ttl)
def set(self) -> At:
"""Used exclusively to set the scene.
the @SET operator is responsible for setting the root node of the scene.
proxy @ Set(Scene(children=[...]))
app.set @ Scene(children=[...])
return At(lambda element: self @ Set(element))
def update(self) -> At:
"""Used to update existing elements. NOOP if an element does not exist.
Supports passing in a list of elements. (Thank God I implemented this...
so handy! - Ge)
Example Usage::
app.update @ [element1, element2, ...]
def _update(element):
if isinstance(element, list):
self @ Update(*element)
elif isinstance(element, tuple):
self @ Update(*element)
self @ Update(element)
return _update
def add(self) -> At:
"""Used to add elements to a specific parent.
Requires a parentKey, or treats the Scene root node as the default parent.
Example Usage::
app.add(element1, element2, ..., to=parentKey.)
or using the Scene root node as the default parent: ::
app.add @ element1
def _add(element, to=None):
if isinstance(element, list):
self @ Add(*element, to=to)
elif isinstance(element, tuple):
self @ Add(*element, to=to)
self @ Add(element, to=to)
return _add
def upsert(self) -> At:
"""Upsert elements to a specific parent.
Requires a parentKey, or treats the Scene root node as the default parent.
Example Usage::
app.upsert(element1, element2, ..., to=parentKey.)
or using the Scene root node as the default parent: ::
app.upsert @ element1
def _upsert(element, to=None, strict=False):
if isinstance(element, list):
self @ Upsert(*element, to=to, strict=strict)
elif isinstance(element, tuple):
self @ Upsert(*element, to=to, strict=strict)
self @ Upsert(element, to=to, strict=strict)
return _upsert
def remove(self) -> At:
"""Remove elements by keys.
Example Usage::
app.remove @ ["key1", "key2", ...]
or a single key: ::
app.remove @ "key1"
def _remove(keys):
if isinstance(keys, list):
self @ Remove(*keys)
elif isinstance(keys, tuple):
self @ Remove(*keys)
self @ Remove(keys)
return _remove
[docs] def popleft(self):
return self.downlink_queue.popleft()
except IndexError:
return None
[docs] def pop(self):
return self.downlink_queue.pop()
except IndexError:
return None
[docs] def clear(self):
"""clears all client messages"""
[docs] def stream(self):
yield from self.downlink_queue
[docs]class Vuer(PrefixProto, Server):
"""Vuer Server
This is the server for the Vuer client.
app = Vuer()
async def main(session: VuerSession):
session.set @ Scene(children=[...])
.. automethod:: bind
.. automethod:: spawn
.. automethod:: relay
.. automethod:: bound_fn
.. automethod:: spawn_task
.. automethod:: get_url
.. automethod:: send
.. automethod:: rpc
.. automethod:: rpc_stream
.. automethod:: close_ws
.. automethod:: uplink
.. automethod:: downlink
.. automethod:: add_handler
.. automethod:: _ttl_handler
.. automethod:: run
domain = Proto("", help="default url of web client")
host = Proto("localhost", help="set to to enable remote connections")
port = Proto(DEFAULT_PORT, help="port to use")
free_port: bool = Flag("Kill what is running on the requested port if True.")
static_root: str = Proto(".", help="root for file serving")
"""todo: we want to support multiple paths."""
queue_len: int = Proto(
100, help="use a max length to avoid the memory from blowing up."
cors = Proto(
help="domains that are allowed for cross origin requests.",
queries: Dict = Proto({}, help="query parameters to pass")
cert: str = Proto(None, dtype=str, help="the path to the SSL certificate")
key: str = Proto(None, dtype=str, help="the path to the SSL key")
ca_cert: str = Proto(None, dtype=str, help="the trusted root CA certificates")
client_root: Path = Path(__file__).parent / "client_build"
verbose = Flag("Print the settings if True.")
def _proxy(self, ws_id) -> "VuerSession":
"""This is a proxy object that allows us to use the @ notation
to send events to the client.
:param ws_id: The websocket id.
:return: A proxy object.
# todo: check if shallow copy suffices
proxy = VuerSession(self, ws_id, queue_len=self.queue_len)
return proxy
def __post_init__(self):
# todo: what is this?
if self.verbose:
print("========= Arguments =========")
for k, v in vars(self).items():
print(f" {k} = {v},")
self.handlers = defaultdict(dict)
# todo: can remove = Page() Dict[str, WebSocketResponse] = {}
self.socket_handler: SocketHandler = None
self.spawned_coroutines = []
[docs] async def relay(self, request):
"""This is the relay object for sending events to the server.
Todo: add API for specifying the websocket ID. Or just broadcast to all.
Todo: add type hint
- Status 200
- Status 400
# todo: need to implement msgpack encoding, interface
bytes = request.bytes()
session_id = request.rel_url.query.get("sid", None)
if session_id is None:
return Response(400)
elif session_id in
self.send(ws_id=session_id, event_bytes=bytes)
return Response(status=200)
elif session_id == "*":
# print broadcast
for ws_id in
self.send(ws_id=ws_id, event_bytes=bytes)
except Exception as e:
print("Exception: ", e)
return Response(status=502, text=str(e))
return Response(status=200)
return Response(status=400)
# ** downlink message queue methods**
[docs] async def bound_fn(self, session_proxy: VuerSession):
"""This is the default generator function in the socket connection handler"""
print("default socket worker is up, adding clientEvents ")
while True:
client_event = yield NOOP
if client_event.etype in self.handlers:
handlers = self.handlers[client_event.etype]
# make a copy of the keys to avoid dict size change during iteration.
handler_keys = list(handlers.keys())
for key in handler_keys: # type: EventHandler
# todo: see if we want to add throttling here.
fn_factory = handlers.get(key, None)
# the handler dict can change size during iteration, so we need to
# handle the None case.
if fn_factory is None:
print("this handler is gone")
self.spawn_task(fn_factory(client_event, session_proxy))
await sleep(0.0)
[docs] def spawn_task(self, task):
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
return loop.create_task(task)
[docs] def spawn(self, fn: SocketHandler = None, start=False):
"""bind the socket handler function `fn` to vuer, and start
the event loop if `start is` `True`.
Note: this is really a misnomer.
:param fn: The function to spawn.
:param start: Start server after binding
:return: None
def wrap_fn(fn: SocketHandler):
self.socket_handler = fn
if start:
if fn is None:
# this returns a decorator function
return partial(wrap_fn)
[docs] def bind(self, fn=None, start=False):
Bind an asynchronous generator function for use in socket connection handler. The function should be a generator that yields Page objects.
:param fn: The function to bind.
:return: None
def wrap_fn(fn):
self.bound_fn = fn
if start:
if fn is None:
# this returns a decorator function
return partial(wrap_fn)
[docs] def get_url(self):
Get the URL for the Tassa.
:return: The URL for the Tassa.
if self.port != DEFAULT_PORT:
uri = f"ws://localhost:{self.port}"
if self.queries:
query_str = "&".join([f"{k}={v}" for k, v in self.queries.items()])
return f"{self.domain}?ws={uri}&" + query_str
return f"{self.domain}?ws={uri}"
if self.queries:
query_str = "&".join([f"{k}={v}" for k, v in self.queries.items()])
return f"{self.domain}?" + query_str
return f"{self.domain}"
[docs] async def send(self, ws_id, event: ServerEvent = None, event_bytes=None):
ws =[ws_id]
if event_bytes is None:
assert isinstance(
event, ServerEvent
), "event must be a ServerEvent type object."
event_obj = event.serialize()
event_bytes = packb(event_obj, use_single_float=True, use_bin_type=True)
assert event is None, "Can not pass in both at the same time."
return await ws.send_bytes(event_bytes)
[docs] async def rpc(self, ws_id, event: ServerRPC, ttl=2.0) -> Union[ClientEvent, None]:
"""RPC only takes a single response. For multi-response streaming,
we need to build a new one
Question is whether we want to make this RPC an awaitable funciton.
:param ttl: The time to live for the handler. If the handler is not called within the time it gets removed from the handler list.
etype = event.etype
# this is the event type for responses
rtype = f"{etype}_RESPONSE@{event.uuid}"
rpc_event = asyncio.Event()
response = None
async def response_handler(
response_event: ClientEvent, _: "VuerSession"
) -> None:
nonlocal response
response = response_event
# handle timeout
clean = self.add_handler(rtype, response_handler, once=True)
# note: by-pass the uplink message queue entirely, rendering it immune
# to the effects of queue length.
await self.send(ws_id, event)
# await sleep(0.5)
await asyncio.wait_for(rpc_event.wait(), ttl)
except asyncio.TimeoutError as e:
raise e
return response
[docs] async def rpc_stream(self, ws_id, event: ServerEvent = None, event_bytes=None):
"""This RPC offers multiple responses."""
raise NotImplementedError("This is not implemented yet.")
[docs] async def close_ws(self, ws_id):
# uplink is moved to the proxy object. Cleaned by garbage collection.
# self.uplink_queue.pop(ws_id)
ws =
await ws.close()
except KeyError:
[docs] async def uplink(self, proxy: VuerSession):
ws_id = proxy.CURRENT_WS_ID
queue = proxy.uplink_queue
print(f"\rUplink task running. id:{ws_id}")
while True:
if ws_id not in
print(f"uplink:{ws_id} is not in websocket pool")
if queue:
msg_bytes = queue.popleft()
# todo: spawn new uplink everytime connections happen
await self.send(ws_id, event_bytes=msg_bytes)
except ConnectionResetError as e:
await self.close_ws(ws_id)
print("Connection closed due to", e)
except ConnectionClosedError as e:
await self.close_ws(ws_id)
print("Connection error, closed due to", e)
except Exception as e:
await self.close_ws(ws_id)
print(f"Connection error, closed.\nError: [{e}]")
raise e
await sleep(0.0)
[docs] async def downlink(self, request: Request, ws: WebSocketResponse):
The websocket handler for receiving messages from the client.
:param ws: The websocket.
:param request: The request (unused).
:return: None
# generate an ID to save in the connection pool
ws_id = uuid4()[ws_id] = ws
print(f"websocket is connected. id:{ws_id}")
vuer_proxy = self._proxy(ws_id)
generator = self.bound_fn(vuer_proxy)
if self.socket_handler is not None:
async def handler():
await self.socket_handler(vuer_proxy)
except Exception as e:
await self.close_ws(ws_id)
# todo: absorb non-user induced exceptions.
raise e
await self.close_ws(ws_id)
task = self._add_task(handler())
if hasattr(generator, "__anext__"):
serverEvent = await generator.__anext__()
serverEvent = next(generator)
assert serverEvent != "FRAME", "The first event can not be a FRAME event."
if serverEvent != "NOOP":
# todo: use the uplink stream instead of sending out directly
vuer_proxy @ serverEvent
await sleep(0.0)
async for msg in ws:
payload = unpackb(, raw=False)
clientEvent = ClientEvent(**payload)
if hasattr(generator, "__anext__"):
serverEvent = await generator.asend(clientEvent)
serverEvent = generator.send(clientEvent)
while serverEvent == "FRAME":
serverEvent = cast(Frame, serverEvent)
# Frame object is a macro, only send the payload.
vuer_proxy @
await sleep(1 / serverEvent.frame_rate)
if hasattr(generator, "__anext__"):
serverEvent = await generator.asend(NullEvent())
serverEvent = generator.send(NullEvent())
if serverEvent != "NOOP":
vuer_proxy @ serverEvent
print("websocket is now disconnected. Removing the socket.")
await self.close_ws(ws_id)
except Exception as e:
print("websocket is now disconnected. Removing the socket.")
raise e
await self.close_ws(ws_id)
[docs] def add_handler(
event_type: str,
fn: EventHandler = None,
once: bool = False,
) -> Callable[[], None]:
"""Adding event handlers to the vuer server.
:param event_type: The event type to handle.
:param fn: The function to handle the event.
:param once: Whether to remove the handler after the first call.
This is useful for RPC, which cleans up after itself.
The issue is for RPC, the `key` also needs to match. So we hack it here to use
a call specific event_type to enforce the cleanup.
# Usage:
As a decorator::
app = Vuer()
def on_camera(event: ClientEvent, session: VuerSession):
print("camera event", event.etype, event.value)
As a function::
app = Vuer()
def on_camera(event: ClientEvent, session: VuerSession):
print("camera event", event.etype, event.value)
app.add_handler("CAMERA_MOVE", on_camera)
if fn is None:
return lambda fn: self.add_handler(event_type, fn, once=once)
handler_id = uuid4()
def cleanup():
del self.handlers[event_type][handler_id]
if once:
async def fn_once(*args, **kwargs):
"""This is a wrapper function removes the handler on the first trigger."""
return await fn(*args, **kwargs)
self.handlers[event_type][handler_id] = fn_once
self.handlers[event_type][handler_id] = fn
return cleanup
[docs] def _ttl_handler(self, ttl, cleanup):
async def ttl_handler():
await sleep(ttl)
"remove the handler after ttl"
return ttl_handler()
async def socket_index(self, request: BaseRequest):
"""This is the relay object for sending events to the server.
Todo: add API for specifying the websocket ID. Or just broadcast to all.
Todo: add type hint
- Status 200
- Status 400
headers = request.headers
if "websocket" != headers.get(UPGRADE, "").lower().strip():
return await handle_file_request(
request, self.client_root, filename="index.html"
return await websocket_handler(request, self.downlink)
[docs] def run(self, kill=None, *args, **kwargs):
import os
# protocol, host, _ = self.uri.split(":")
# port = int(_)
if kill or self.free_port:
import time
from killport import kill_ports
# Serve the client build locally.
# self._socket("", self.downlink)
# self._static_file("", Path(__file__).parent / "client_build", filename="index.html")
# use the same endpoint for websocket and file serving.
self._route("", self.socket_index, method="GET")
self._static("/assets", self.client_root / "assets")
self._static("/hands", self.client_root / "hands")
# serve local files via /static endpoint
self._static("/static", self.static_root)
print("Serving file://" + os.path.abspath(self.static_root), "at", "/static")
self._route("/relay", self.relay, method="POST")
print("Visit: " + self.get_url())