Point Cloud via Ply ComponentΒΆ

This example shows you how to load a pcd file.

You should expect to see a scene that looks like the following: pointcloud

Changing the Tone Mapping Exposure

Point cloud rendering does not depend on the environment lighting.

You can, however, change the toneMappingExposure to make the point cloud look nicer.

Point Clouds looking Desaturated

This usually happens because your realsense camera is overexposed. You need to adjust the exposure settings on the camera to make the point cloud look nicer.

from asyncio import sleep
import numpy as np

from vuer import Vuer, VuerSession
from vuer.schemas import Ply, Scene

pixelnerf = "pointclouds/pixelnerf.ply"

app = Vuer(
    static_root=os.getcwd() + "/../../../assets"

async def main(sess: VuerSession):
    # setting the toneMappingExposure to a lower value to make the color look nicer.
    sess.set @ Scene(toneMappingExposure=0.4)

    sess.upsert @ Ply(
        src="http://localhost:8012/static/" + pixelnerf,
        rotation=[- 0.5 * np.pi, 0, -0.5 * np.pi]

    while True:
        await sleep(1)