Source code for vuer.schemas.drei_components

from vuer.schemas.scene_components import SceneElement

[docs]class Html(SceneElement): tag = "Html"
[docs]class Splat(SceneElement): tag = "Splat"
[docs]class Line(SceneElement): """ Renders a THREE.Line2 or THREE.LineSegments2 (depending on the value of segments). Usage:: <Line points={[[0, 0, 0], ...]} // Array of points, Array<Vector3 | Vector2 | [number, number, number] | [number, number] | number> color="black" // Default lineWidth={1} // In pixels (default) segments // If true, renders a THREE.LineSegments2. Otherwise, renders a THREE.Line2 dashed={false} // Default vertexColors={[[0, 0, 0], ...]} // Optional array of RGB values for each point {...lineProps} // All THREE.Line2 props are valid {...materialProps} // All THREE.LineMaterial props are valid /> """ tag = "Line"
[docs]class QuadraticBezierLine(SceneElement): """ Renders a THREE.Line2 using THREE.QuadraticBezierCurve3 for interpolation. Usage:: <QuadraticBezierLine start={[0, 0, 0]} // Starting point, can be an array or a vec3 end={[10, 0, 10]} // Ending point, can be an array or a vec3 mid={[5, 0, 5]} // Optional control point, can be an array or a vec3 color="black" // Default lineWidth={1} // In pixels (default) dashed={false} // Default vertexColors={[[0, 0, 0], ...]} // Optional array of RGB values for each point {...lineProps} // All THREE.Line2 props are valid {...materialProps} // All THREE.LineMaterial props are valid /> You can also update the line runtime. code:: const ref = useRef() useFrame((state) => { ref.current.setPoints( [0, 0, 0], [10, 0, 0], // [5, 0, 0] // Optional: mid-point ) }, []) return <QuadraticBezierLine ref={ref} /> } """ tag = "QuadraticBezierLine"
[docs]class CubicBezierLine(SceneElement): """ Renders a THREE.Line2 using THREE.CubicBezierCurve3 for interpolation. Usage:: <CubicBezierLine start={[0, 0, 0]} // Starting point end={[10, 0, 10]} // Ending point midA={[5, 0, 0]} // First control point midB={[0, 0, 5]} // Second control point color="black" // Default lineWidth={1} // In pixels (default) dashed={false} // Default vertexColors={[[0, 0, 0], ...]} // Optional array of RGB values for each point {...lineProps} // All THREE.Line2 props are valid {...materialProps} // All THREE.LineMaterial props are valid /> """ tag = "CubicBezierLine"
[docs]class CatmullRomLine(SceneElement): """ Renders a THREE.Line2 using THREE.CatmullRomCurve3 for interpolation. Usage:: <CatmullRomLine points={[[0, 0, 0], ...]} // Array of Points closed={false} // Default curveType="centripetal" // One of "centripetal" (default), "chordal", or "catmullrom" tension={0.5} // Default (only applies to "catmullrom" curveType) color="black" // Default lineWidth={1} // In pixels (default) dashed={false} // Default vertexColors={[[0, 0, 0], ...]} // Optional array of RGB values for each point {...lineProps} // All THREE.Line2 props are valid {...materialProps} // All THREE.LineMaterial props are valid /> """ tag = "CatmullRomLine"
[docs]class Facemesh(SceneElement): """Renders an oriented MediaPipe face mesh: :param points: An array of 468+ keypoints as returned by google/mediapipe tasks-vision. Defaults to a sample face. :type points: MediaPipePoints, optional :param face: An face object as returned by tensorflow/tfjs-models face-landmarks-detection. This parameter is deprecated. :type face: MediaPipeFaceMesh, optional :param width: Constant width of the mesh. Defaults to undefined. :type width: int, optional :param height: Constant height of the mesh. Defaults to undefined. :type height: int, optional :param depth: Constant depth of the mesh. Defaults to 1. :type depth: int, optional :param verticalTri: A landmarks tri supposed to be vertical. Defaults to [159, 386, 200]. See: :type verticalTri: Tuple[int, int, int], optional :param origin: A landmark index (to get the position from) or a vec3 to be the origin of the mesh. Defaults to undefined (i.e., the bbox center). :type origin: Union[int, THREE.Vector3], optional :param facialTransformationMatrix: A facial transformation matrix, as returned by FaceLandmarkerResult.facialTransformationMatrixes. See: :type facialTransformationMatrix: FacemeshDatas.SAMPLE_FACELANDMARKER_RESULT.facialTransformationMatrixes[0], optional :param offset: Apply position offset extracted from `facialTransformationMatrix`. :type offset: bool, optional :param offsetScalar: Offset sensitivity factor, less is more sensible. :type offsetScalar: float, optional :param faceBlendshapes: Face blendshapes, as returned by FaceLandmarkerResult.faceBlendshapes. See: :type faceBlendshapes: FacemeshDatas.SAMPLE_FACELANDMARKER_RESULT.faceBlendshapes[0], optional :param eyes: Whether to enable eyes (note: `faceBlendshapes` is required for this). Defaults to True. :type eyes: bool, optional Usage:: const faceLandmarkerResult = { "faceLandmarks": [ [ { "x": 0.5760777592658997, "y": 0.8639070391654968, "z": -0.030997956171631813 }, { "x": 0.572094738483429, "y": 0.7886289358139038, "z": -0.07189624011516571 }, // ... ], // ... ], "faceBlendshapes": [ // ... ], "facialTransformationMatrixes": [ // ... ] }, } const points = faceLandmarkerResult.faceLandmarks[0] <Facemesh points={points} /> """ tag = "Facemesh"