from typing import List
import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from vuer.schemas.html_components import BlockElement, Image, Element
[docs]class Scene(BlockElement):
tag = "Scene"
def __init__(
# default to y-up to be consistent with three.js. Blender uses z-up though.
up=[0, 1, 0],
# background=None,
# bgLight=None,
# bgDark=None,
# grid=True,
super().__init__(*children, up=up, **kwargs)
self.rawChildren = rawChildren or []
self.htmlChildren = htmlChildren or []
self.bgChildren = bgChildren or []
[docs] def serialize(self):
obj = super().serialize()
if self.rawChildren:
obj["rawChildren"] = [e.serialize() for e in self.rawChildren if e]
if self.htmlChildren:
obj["htmlChildren"] = [e.serialize() for e in self.htmlChildren if e]
if self.bgChildren:
obj["bgChildren"] = [e.serialize() for e in self.bgChildren if e]
return obj
[docs]class SceneElement(BlockElement):
[docs]class Frustum(SceneElement):
"""Camera Frustum
:param position: An optional tuple of three numbers representing the position.
:type position: tuple[float, float, float]
:param rotation: An optional tuple of three numbers representing the rotation.
:type rotation: tuple[float, float, float]
:param matrix: An optional tuple of sixteen numbers representing the matrix.
:type matrix: tuple[float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float]
:param aspect: An optional number representing the aspect.
:type aspect: float
:param focus: An optional number representing the focus.
:type focus: float
:param fov: An optional number representing the field of view.
:type fov: float
:param near: An optional number representing the near field.
:type near: float
:param far: An optional number representing the far field.
:type far: float
:param scale: An optional number representing the scale.
:type scale: float
:param upScale: An optional number representing the up scale.
:type upScale: float
:param focalLength: An optional number representing the focal length.
:type focalLength: float
:param showUp: An optional boolean indicating whether to show up.
:type showUp: bool
:param showFrustum: An optional boolean indicating whether to show the frustum.
:type showFrustum: bool
:param showFocalPlane: An optional boolean indicating whether to show the focal plane.
:type showFocalPlane: bool
:param showImagePlane: An optional boolean indicating whether to show the image plane.
:type showImagePlane: bool
:param src: An optional string representing the source.
:type src: str
:param colorOrigin: An optional ColorRepresentation for the origin color.
:type colorOrigin: ColorRepresentation
:param colorFrustum: An optional ColorRepresentation for the frustum color.
:type colorFrustum: ColorRepresentation
:param colorCone: An optional ColorRepresentation for the cone color.
:type colorCone: ColorRepresentation
:param colorFocalPlane: An optional ColorRepresentation for the focal plane color.
:type colorFocalPlane: ColorRepresentation
:param colorUp: An optional ColorRepresentation for the up color.
:type colorUp: ColorRepresentation
:param colorTarget: An optional ColorRepresentation for the target color.
:type colorTarget: ColorRepresentation
:param colorCross: An optional ColorRepresentation for the cross color.
:type colorCross: ColorRepresentation
tag = "Frustum"
[docs]class CameraHelper(SceneElement):
tag = "CameraHelper"
[docs]class group(SceneElement):
tag = "group"
children = []
[docs]class mesh(SceneElement):
tag = "mesh"
children = []
[docs]class TriMesh(SceneElement):
tag = "TriMesh"
children = []
vertices: NDArray[np.float16] = None
# note: Uint16 is too few. Quickly overflows
faces: NDArray[np.uint32] = None
colors: NDArray[np.uint8] = None
uv: NDArray[np.float16] = None
def __post_init__(self, **kwargs):
self.vertices = self.vertices.astype(np.float16).flatten().tobytes()
# uinit16 is too few at 65536. Have to use uint32.
self.faces = self.faces.astype(np.uint32).flatten().tobytes()
if self.colors is not None:
if self.colors.shape[-1] == 4:
self.colors = self.colors[:, :3]
# send only integers:
if self.colors.dtype != np.uint8:
self.colors *= 255
self.colors = self.colors.astype(np.uint8)
self.colors = self.colors.flatten().tobytes()
if self.uv is not None:
self.uv = self.uv.astype(np.float16).flatten().tobytes()
[docs]class PointCloud(SceneElement):
"""PointCould element, highly optimized for payload size and speed.
:param vertices: An optional numpy array of shape (N, 3) containing the vertices of the pointcloud.
:type vertices: NDArray[np.float16]
:param colors: An optional numpy array of shape (N, 3) containing the colors of the point cloud.
:type color: NDArray[np.uint8]
:param size: An optional float that sets the size of the points.
:type size: float
:param key: str An optional string that sets the key of the element.
:type key: str
sess.upsert @ PointCloud(
vertices=np.random.rand(1000, 3),
colors=np.random.rand(1000, 3),
tag: str = "PointCloud"
vertices: NDArray[np.float16] = None
"""An optional numpy array of shape (N, 3) containing the vertices of the point cloud."""
colors: NDArray[np.uint8] = None
"""An optional numpy array of shape (N, 3) containing the colors of the point cloud."""
children = []
def __post_init__(self, **kwargs):
self.vertices = self.vertices.astype(np.float16).flatten().tobytes()
if self.colors is None:
if self.colors.shape[-1] == 4:
self.colors = self.colors[:, :3]
if self.colors.dtype != np.uint8:
# todo: use this and send only integers:
self.colors *= 255
self.colors = self.colors.astype(np.uint8)
self.colors = self.colors.flatten().tobytes()
p = PointCloud
[docs]class Box(SceneElement):
tag = "Box"
[docs]class Capsule(SceneElement):
tag = "Capsule"
[docs]class Cone(SceneElement):
tag = "Cone"
[docs]class Circle(SceneElement):
tag = "Circle"
[docs]class Cylinder(SceneElement):
tag = "Cylinder"
[docs]class Dodecahedron(SceneElement):
tag = "Dodecahedron"
[docs]class Edges(SceneElement):
tag = "Edges"
[docs]class Extrude(SceneElement):
tag = "Extrude"
[docs]class Icosahedron(SceneElement):
tag = "Icosahedron"
[docs]class Lathe(SceneElement):
tag = "Lathe"
[docs]class Octahedron(SceneElement):
tag = "Octahedron"
[docs]class Plane(SceneElement):
tag = "Plane"
[docs]class Polyhedron(SceneElement):
tag = "Polyhedron"
[docs]class Ring(SceneElement):
tag = "Ring"
[docs]class Shape(SceneElement):
tag = "Shape"
[docs]class Sphere(SceneElement):
tag = "Sphere"
[docs]class Tetrahedron(SceneElement):
tag = "Tetrahedron"
[docs]class Torus(SceneElement):
tag = "Torus"
[docs]class TorusKnot(SceneElement):
tag = "TorusKnot"
[docs]class Tube(SceneElement):
tag = "Tube"
[docs]class Fog(SceneElement):
Fog is a scene element that adds fog to the scene. This
can be used to approximate depth.
color: The color of the fog.
near: The distance to the near plane.
far: The distance to the far plane.
Example Usage:
Fog(color="green", near=3, far=7)
tag = "fog"
def __init__(self, *, children=None, color=None, near=None, far=None, **kwargs):
assert children is None, "Fog does not support children."
attach="fog", key="fog", color=color, near=near, far=far, **kwargs
[docs]class Wireframe(SceneElement):
tag = "Wireframe"
[docs]class Splat(SceneElement):
tag = "Splat"
[docs]class LumaSplats(SceneElement):
tag = "Splats"
[docs]class Pcd(SceneElement):
tag = "Pcd"
[docs]class CameraView(SceneElement):
"""CameraView for rendering from arbitrary camera poses.
:param fov: The vertical field of view of the camera. Defaults to 50.
:type fov: float, optional
:param width: The width of the camera image. Defaults to 320.
:type width: int, optional
:param height: The height of the camera image. Defaults to 240.
:type height: int, optional
:param key: The key of the camera view. Defaults to "ego".
:type key: str, optional
:param position: The position of the camera. Defaults to [0, 0, 0].
:type position: List[float], optional
:param rotation: The rotation of the camera. Defaults to [0, 0, 0]
:type rotation: List[float], optional
:param stream: The stream of the camera. Defaults to "ondemand".
:type stream: str, optional
:param fps: The frames per second of the camera. Defaults to 30.
:type fps: int, optional
:param near: The near field of the camera. Defaults to 0.1.
:type near: float, optional
:param far: The far field of the camera. Defaults to 20.
:type far: float, optional
:param renderDepth: Whether to render depth. If set, returns value["depthFrame"]. Defaults to True.
:type renderDepth: bool, optional
:param showFrustum: Whether to show the frustum. Defaults to True.
:type showFrustum: bool, optional
:param downsample: The downsample rate. Defaults to 1.
:type downsample: int, optional
:param distanceToCamera: The distance to the camera. Defaults to 2.
:type distanceToCamera: float, optional
tag = "CameraView"
[docs]class SceneBackground(Image, SceneElement):
"""Sets the background of the scene to a static image. Does not work well
with high frame rates. For displaying movies, use the ImageBackground element.
tag = "SceneBackground"
[docs]class ImageBackground(Image, SceneElement):
"""Sets the background of the scene to an image, Supports high frame rates.
We use a plane that is always facing the camera to display the image.
tag = "ImageBackground"
[docs]class HUDPlane(Image, SceneElement):
"""A Head-up display (HUD) plane that is always facing the camera. Requires
mounting a material."""
tag = "HUDPlane"
[docs]class VideoMaterial(Image, SceneElement):
"""A Video Material for loading from a file hosted at a url."""
tag = "VideoMaterial"
[docs]class WebRTCVideoMaterial(Image, SceneElement):
"""A Video Material for loading from a media stream."""
tag = "WebRTCVideoMaterial"
[docs]class VideoPlane(Image, SceneElement):
"""A Head-up display (HUD) plane that is always facing the camera. Requires
mounting a material."""
tag = "VideoPlane"
[docs]class WebRTCVideoPlane(Image, SceneElement):
"""A Head-up display (HUD) plane that is always facing the camera. Requires
mounting a material."""
tag = "WebRTCVideoPlane"
[docs]class StereoVideoPlane(Image, SceneElement):
"""A Head-up display (HUD) plane that is always facing the camera. Requires
mounting a material."""
tag = "StereoVideoPlane"
[docs]class WebRTCStereoVideoPlane(Image, SceneElement):
"""A Head-up display (HUD) plane that is always facing the camera. Requires
mounting a material."""
tag = "WebRTCStereoVideoPlane"
# class ImagePlane(Image, SceneElement):
# """For displaying a static image. Just pass in an image object to the first argument."
# Untested, not taking in images right now.
# ""
# tag = "ImagePlane"
[docs]class Group(SceneElement):
tag = "VuerGroup"
[docs]class HemisphereLight(SceneElement):
tag = "HemisphereLight"
[docs]class RectAreaLight(SceneElement):
tag = "RectAreaLight"
[docs]class Stage(SceneElement):
tag = "Stage"
[docs]class Gamepads(SceneElement):
tag = "Gamepads"
[docs]class DirectionalLight(SceneElement):
tag = "DirectionalLight"
[docs]class PointLight(SceneElement):
tag = "PointLight"
[docs]class SpotLight(SceneElement):
tag = "SpotLight"
[docs]class AmbientLight(SceneElement):
tag = "AmbientLight"
[docs]class Html(SceneElement):
as='div' // Wrapping element (default: 'div')
wrapperClass // The className of the wrapping element (default: undefined)
prepend // Project content behind the canvas (default: false)
center // Adds a -50%/-50% css transform (default: false) [ignored in transform mode]
fullscreen // Aligns to the upper-left corner, fills the screen (default:false) [ignored in transform mode]
distanceFactor={10} // If set (default: undefined), children will be scaled by this factor, and also by distance to a PerspectiveCamera / zoom by a OrthographicCamera.
zIndexRange={[100, 0]} // Z-order range (default=[16777271, 0])
portal={domnodeRef} // Reference to target container (default=undefined)
transform // If true, applies matrix3d transformations (default=false)
sprite // Renders as sprite, but only in transform mode (default=false)
calculatePosition={(el: Object3D, camera: Camera, size: { width: number; height: number }) => number[]} // Override default positioning function. (default=undefined) [ignored in transform mode]
occlude={[ref]} // Can be true or a Ref<Object3D>[], true occludes the entire scene (default: undefined)
onOcclude={(visible) => null} // Callback when the visibility changes (default: undefined)
{...groupProps} // All THREE.Group props are valid
{...divProps} // All HTMLDivElement props are valid
tag = "Html"
[docs]class Pivot(SceneElement):
tag = "Pivot"
[docs]class Movable(SceneElement):
tag = "Movable"
[docs]class Hands(SceneElement):
The Hand component offers a way to stream the current pose of the hand to the server.
The return data looks like the following:
* Left and right pose are relative to the wrist transformations.
export type HandsData = {
left?: Float32Array; // 16 * 25 values. Wrist is always at origin.
right?: Float32Array; // 16 * 25 values. Wrist is always at origin.
leftWrist?: Float32Array; // 16 values.
rightWrist?: Float32Array; // 16 values.
tag = "Hands"
def __init__(
[docs]class Obj(SceneElement):
tag = "Obj"
def __init__(
self, src=None, mtl=None, text=None, buff=None, materials=None, **kwargs
:param src: The source of the obj file. Can be a url or a local file.
:type src: str
:param mtl: The source of the mtl file. Can be a url or a local file.
:type mtl: str
:param text: The text content of the obj file, allow one to load a scene from a string.
:type text: str
:param buff: The binary content of the obj file. This is the most efficient, because you are sending binaries..
:type buff: bytes
:param materials: A list of materials to be used for the obj file.
:type materials: List[String]
todo: In the future we probably want to enable the loading of multiple material files.
self.src = src
self.mtl = mtl
self.text = text
self.buff = buff
self.materials = materials
[docs]class CoordsMarker(SceneElement):
"""Coordinates Marker Component.
matrix: A list of 16 numbers representing the matrix. Overrides position and rotation.
position: A list of 3 numbers representing the position.
rotation: A list of 3 numbers representing the rotation.
matrix: A list of 16 numbers representing the matrix. Overrides position and rotation.
scale: 1.0
headScale: 1.0
lod: Level of detail. The number of segments for the cone and the stem.
tag = "CoordsMarker"
[docs]class Arrow(SceneElement):
"""Coordinates Marker Component.
matrix: A list of 16 numbers representing the matrix. Overrides position and rotation.
position: A list of 3 numbers representing the position.
rotation: A list of 3 numbers representing the rotation.
scale: 1.0
headScale: 1.0
lod: Level of detail. The number of segments for the cone and the stem.
tag = "Arrow"
[docs]class Ply(SceneElement):
tag = "Ply"
[docs]class Glb(SceneElement):
"""Glb Component
# this follows the material type
:param materialType: Literal["basic", ...]
:param material: {
side=0: inside, side=1: outsie, side=2: both.
tag = "Glb"
[docs]class Urdf(SceneElement):
tag = "Urdf"
[docs]class Gripper(SceneElement):
tag = "Gripper"
[docs]class SkeletalGripper(SceneElement):
tag = "SkeletalGripper"
[docs]class Grid(SceneElement):
tag = "Grid"
[docs]class GrabRender(SceneElement):
tag = "GrabRender"
key = "DEFAULT"
"""We do not want the client to set keys automatically since GrabRender is
usually used a singleton component as default."""
[docs]class TimelineControls(SceneElement):
tag = "TimelineControls"
# todo: consider adding default component keys here.
[docs]class PointerControls(SceneElement):
tag = "PointerControls"
# todo: consider adding default component keys here.
[docs]class DefaultScene(Scene):
"""Default Scene that includes a basic setup of ambient lights.
:param children: list of children elements to be rendered in the scene.
:type children: SceneElement, ...
:param rawChildren: list of children elements to be rendered in the scene.
:param htmlChildren: list of children elements to be rendered in the scene.
:param bgChildren: list of children elements to be rendered in the scene.
:param show_helper: list of children elements to be rendered in the scene.
:param startStep: list of children elements to be rendered in the scene.
:param endStep: list of children elements to be rendered in the scene.
:param up: list of children elements to be rendered in the scene.
:param kwargs: list of children elements to be rendered in the scene.
Example Usage::
# Ambient Light does not have helper because it is ambient.
AmbientLight(intensity=1.0, key="default_ambient_light"),
intensity=1, key="default_directional_light", helper=show_helper
# we use a key here so that we can replace the timeline controls via update
TimelineControls(start=startStep, end=endStep, key="timeline")
if endStep
else None,
def __init__(
*children: SceneElement,
rawChildren: List[SceneElement] = None,
htmlChildren: List[Element] = None,
bgChildren: List[SceneElement] = [],
# default to z-up
up=[0, 0, 1],
rawChildren = [
AmbientLight(intensity=0.5, key="default_ambient_light"),
intensity=1, key="default_directional_light", helper=show_helper
*(rawChildren or []),
# Ambient Light does not have helper because it is ambient.
# skey spec here is a little redundant.
# we use a key here so that we can replace the timeline controls via update
TimelineControls(start=startStep, end=endStep, key="timeline")
if endStep
else None,
Grid() if grid else None,