Hand TrackingΒΆ
The Hand component offers a way to stream the current pose of the hand to the server.
Using ngrok to promote to wss://
You need to install ngrok
to promote the local vuer server
from ws://localhost:8012 to wss://xxxx.ngrok.io, (note the double
w[ss] in the protocol), and pass it as a query parameter that
looks like this:
Note the repeated ws
and then wss://
in the query string.
Here is the what it looks like with the Vision Pro
The returned data looks like the following:
* Left and right pose are relative to the wrist transformations.
export type HandsData = {
left?: Float32Array; // 25 * 16 values. Wrist is always at origin.
right?: Float32Array; // 25 * 16 values. Wrist is always at origin.
leftWrist?: Float32Array; // 16 values.
rightWrist?: Float32Array; // 16 values.
The coordinate convention is row-major, Y-up, and the values are in meters.
Getting Hand MovementΒΆ
You can get the full pose of the hands by listening to the HAND_MOVE
You can add flags left
and right
to specify which hand you want to track.
from vuer import Vuer, VuerSession
from vuer.schemas import Hands
from asyncio import sleep
app = Vuer()
async def handler(event, session):
print(f"Movement Event: key-{event.key}", event.value)
async def main(session: VuerSession):
# Important: You need to set the `stream` option to `True` to start
# streaming the hand movement.
session.upsert @ Hands(fps=30, stream=True, key="hands")
while True:
await sleep(1)