Collecting Render from Multiple Browser SessionsΒΆ
This is a simple example for building a job queue to collect render from multiple browser sessions.
import os
from ml_logger import ML_Logger
from pandas import DataFrame
logger = ML_Logger(root=os.getcwd(), prefix="assets")
matrices = logger.load_pkl("metrics.pkl")
matrices = DataFrame(matrices)["matrix"].values.tolist()
from asyncio import sleep
from vuer import Vuer
from vuer.schemas import DefaultScene, CameraView
app = Vuer(queries=dict(grid=False))
Setting the virtual camera to ondemand
mode gives control to the python side, to initiate the rendering events.
virtual_camera = CameraView(key="ego", stream="ondemand", monitor=False)
scene = DefaultScene(rawChildren=[virtual_camera])
Job QueueΒΆ
We define a simple job queue where each job is a dictionary of parameters. The keys are immutable. We will use a done flag to mark the job status.
from time import time
from uuid import uuid4
class JobQueue(dict):
def __init__(self, ttl=5):
"""A simple job queue.
data (dict): a dictionary of jobs.
ttl (int, optional): time to live. Defaults to 5.
self._ttl = ttl
def take(self):
"""Grab a job that has not been grabbed from the queue."""
for k in sorted(self.keys()):
job = self[k]
if job["status"] is None:
job["grab_ts"] = time()
job["status"] = "in_progress"
return job, lambda: self.mark_done(k), lambda: self.mark_reset(k)
def append(self, job_params):
"""Append a job to the queue."""
k = str(uuid4())
self[k] = {
"created_ts": time(),
"status": None,
"grab_ts": None,
"job_params": job_params,
def mark_done(self, key):
"""Mark a job as done."""
del self[key]
def mark_reset(self, key):
self[key]["status"] = None
def house_keeping(self):
"""Reset jobs that have become stale."""
for job in self.values():
if job["status"]:
if job["grab_ts"] < (time() - self._ttl):
job["status"] = None
Create a job queue.ΒΆ
Note: NOT thread and process safe.
job_queue = JobQueue()
populate the queue with fake jobs.
for i in range(100):
job_queue.append({"param_1": i * 100, "param_2": f"key-{i}"})
from tqdm import trange
async def show_heatmap(proxy):
proxy.set @ scene
await sleep(0.0)
# here is the job handling logic: might want to switch to a context manager.
key, mark_done, put_back = job_queue.take()
print(f"I took job-{key}.")
print(""" Put your work over here. """)
for step in trange(100, desc=f"iterate through job steps"):
# update scene with params:
await sleep(0.02)
# uncomment the following line to grab the rendering result.
# result = await proxy.grab_render(downsample=1, key="ego")
print("Job is completed.")
# now the job has been finished, we mark it as done by removing it from the queue.
print("Oops, something went wrong. Putting the job back to the queue.")