Scene with An Unitree Go1 and 3D Mesh of a Stair WayΒΆ
This tutorial shows you how to setup a scene with the following components:
A Unitree Go1 robot
A 3D mesh of a stair way
A fog effect that makes the part of the scene that is far away darker in color.
Fixtures of two movable lights. One AmbientLight and one PointLight.
import math
from asyncio import sleep
from vuer import Vuer, VuerSession
from vuer.schemas import Scene, Urdf, Movable, PointLight, AmbientLight, Obj, Plane, Fog
pi = 3.1415
app = Vuer(static_root="assets")
async def main(app: VuerSession):
# Note: you can only use `set` operator with Scene objects. This is a special operator.
app.set @ Scene(
Plane(args=[100, 100], position=[0, 0, -0.15], rotation=[0, 0, 0], key="ground", materialType="standard",
material={"color": "#eee"}),
Fog(color="black", near="3", far="7"),
Movable(PointLight(intensity=1), position=[0, 0, 2]),
Movable(PointLight(intensity=3), position=[0, 1, 2]),
up=[0, 0, 1]
await sleep(0.1)
app.upsert @ Obj(
position=[1.5, -3, 0.727],
rotation=[3.1415 / 2, 0, 0],
i = 0
while True:
app.upsert @ Urdf(
'FL_hip_joint': -0.1,
'RL_hip_joint': -0.1,
'FR_hip_joint': 0.1,
'RR_hip_joint': 0.1,
"FL_thigh_joint": 0.785,
"RL_thigh_joint": 0.785,
"FR_thigh_joint": 0.785 - 0.25 * math.sin(i * 0.1),
"RR_thigh_joint": 0.785,
"FL_calf_joint": -1.57,
"RL_calf_joint": -1.57,
"FR_calf_joint": -2 + 0.5 * math.sin(i * 0.1),
"RR_calf_joint": -1.57,
position=[0, 0, 0.33],
await sleep(0.016)
i += 1
Now, if your script runs correctly, the robot should show up in the following view: