3D Gaussian SplattingΒΆ

This example shows you how to load a 3D gaussian splat.

You should expect to see a scene that looks like the following: 3d gaussian splat: Garden Table 3d gaussian splat: Garden Table

from asyncio import sleep
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np

from vuer import Vuer
from vuer.events import Set
from vuer.schemas import DefaultScene, Splat, Movable

# https://twitter.com/alexcarliera
cakewalk = "https://huggingface.co/cakewalk/splat-data/resolve/main"

# https://twitter.com/dylan_ebert_
dylanebert = "https://huggingface.co/datasets/dylanebert/3dgs/resolve/main/kitchen"

# # arial = "https://storage.polycam.io/captures/7607fbd0-d4da-41a7-b84b-738a52580397/model.splat?t=16984043"
# arial = "https://storage.polycam.io/captures/52b1e099-c2cc-4eca-a0ae-e17aabece1ff/model.splat"

assets_folder = Path(__file__).parent / "../../assets"

app = Vuer(static_root=assets_folder)

async def main(proxy):
    proxy @ Set(
            # Splat(
            #     key="moving",
            #     src=f"{cakewalk}/nike.splat",
            #     scale=0.5,
            #     position=[0, 1.6, -1.5],
            #     rotation=[np.pi, 0, np.pi],
            # ),
            # Movable(
                # src=arial,
                position=[0, 1.32, 0],
                rotation=[-40 / 180 * np.pi, -11 / 180 * np.pi, -5.6 / 180 * np.pi],
            up=[0, 1, 0],

    i = 0
    while True:
        i += 1
        x, z = 0.3 * np.sin(i / 50), 0.3 * np.cos(i / 50)
        # app.update @ Splat(
        #     src=f"{cakewalk}/nike.splat",
        #     scale=0.5,
        #     key="moving",
        #     position=[x, 1.5, z],
        # )
        await sleep(0.016)