An Simple Example of Component Life CycleΒΆ

This tutorial shows the basic life cycle (C~R~UD) of a component.

  • adding a component

  • updating in-place

  • remove

animation showing two copies of the mesh side by side, flashing

from asyncio import sleep
from pathlib import Path

from vuer import Vuer
from vuer.schemas import Obj, DefaultScene

assets_folder = Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent / "_static" / "stairway"
test_file = "textured.obj"
test_mtl = "textured.mtl"

app = Vuer(static_root=assets_folder)

# use `start=True` to start the app immediately
async def main(session):
    session.set @ DefaultScene(grid=False)

    wireframe = False

    while True:
        session.upsert @ Obj(
            src="http://localhost:8012/static/" + test_file,
            mtl="http://localhost:8012/static/" + test_mtl,
            position=[0, 0, 0],

        wireframe = not wireframe

        await sleep(0.01)

        session.upsert @ Obj(
            src="http://localhost:8012/static/" + test_file,
            mtl="http://localhost:8012/static/" + test_mtl,
            position=[0, 0, 5],

        await sleep(0.8)

        session.remove @ "src-loader-wireframe"